In 2018, the historic Camp Fire destroyed the town Paradise and killed 85 people. In its wake, the community gathered to talk about their values and enact them in the rebuilding. Their vision ensured housing and employment for the survivors, and an economy and community that are resilient in disaster.
This film is set 50 years in the future and reflects on the rebuilding process in Paradise. It is comprised of 12 original paintings documented from start to finish with stop-motion. Stroke by stroke the artist creates each painting, mirroring the process of a community manifesting a vision. With each step the vision becomes clearer. The film is a blueprint for communities around the world who are facing disastrous conditions and seek to create a better world.
Allen Myers (Writer/Director)
Allen Myers is a second generation Paradisian, filmmaker and community organizer. This piece is the fulfillment of a dream to use filmmaking to to inspire action.
Annie Mellan (Associate Producer)
Annie works with Regenerating Paradise and loves contributing to stories like this that create the future we wish to inhabit.
Woody Culleton (Narrator)
Long-time Paradise resident and former town mayor, Woody offers his authentic voice and elder’s wisdom.
David Huddleston (Artist)
A celebrated artist from Napa, California, David’s evocative watercolors illustrate the narrative of the film, giving life to the possibilities as they emerge.
Leeya Shaw (Musician)
A professional piano player and composer born and raised in Paradise, Leeya was deeply affected by the Camp Fire. Her music creates a rich sonic backdrop for the film. Learn More
The Camp Fire was the result of system-wide failure. What would system-wide health look like? What is possible now?
Community meetings identified “nature” and “community” as key values for Paradise. Myers set out to write a story with those values woven into each decision. What would a town look like 50 years in the future if it were rebuilt around/centering/caring for community and nature? A Message from the Future of Paradise was created to illustrate that possible future.
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